This Cursive Workbook series for kids helps children learn the foundations of writing in cursive with a fun illustrated interface that will keep them entertained for hours. While fewer and fewer primary schools are teaching children cursive handwriting, more parents are seeking external resources to help their child learn this essential skill. These workbooks start from the very basic letterform shapes, ultimately leading to practicing most commonly used sightwords, and ultimately a completely blank guidebook for them to practice their cursive once they have acquired the basics. Each workbook includes:
Printed single-sided on bright white paper
Premium matte-finish cover design
High quality 60lb (90gsm) paper stock
Large format 8.5" x 11.0" (21.5cm x 28cm) pages

These activity workbooks for kids help children learn the basics of writing in cursive with a fun illustrated interface that will keep them entertained for hours. Each activity book teaches basic letters, then moves into connectors, and finishes with word practice. A perfect introduction for beginner’s and a great refresher and practice workbook for children who have mastered basic handwriting skills and are wanting to learn cursive. Each workbook includes:
108 pages of cursive exercises, starting with the basic letterforms in both uppercase and lowercase, then moving into how to connect them and then create full words
Each book has a theme of illustrations to choose from depending on your child's specific interests (Animals, Mermaids or Dinosaurs)
Guidelines start with hollow letterforms to ensure your child starts with the correct shape for each letter, transitioning into lighter greyscale letters to use as references to trace over, then greyscale dotted guides, and ultimately space to practice the letters on their own
8.5x11" format to provide plenty of space for practice

With Practicing Cursive your children will train their cursive handwriting skills with more than 80 sight words including frequently used words and traceable guides. It is the perfect addition to our Beginner’s Cursive Handwriting Workbook series, so that after your child masters the foundations of cursive letterforms, they are able to move on to additional practice in a smaller scale with commonly used words. To be able to read and write cursive is a great skill for your children to acquire, as it helps them develop their fine motor skills, their dexterity, their hand-eye coordination and even their memory. Practicing Cursive is the ideal tool to help build a solid foundation. The workbook includes:
108 pages of over 80 frequently used sight words with guidelines to trace and additional space for practicing on your own.
Blank practice pages to allow your child to continue practicing the designated words, or to practice their skills using words of their own choice
8.5x11" format to provide plenty of space

This book provides over 100 blank lined pages for your child to practice their cursive skills that they acquired from our Beginner's Cursive Handwriting Workbook series. Your child can use the book for practicing their individual cursive letters, connections, words or sentences. They can also use it as a book for journaling, writing short stories, etc. while practicing their cursive.